17 jun 2014

Convocatoria Eurogal


A Dirección Xeral de Xuventude e Voluntariado da Consellería de Traballo e Benestar oferta 45 prazas para a realización de prácticas laborais en distintos países da UE, no marco do Programa EUROGAL
O alumnado das familias profesionais de Administración de empresas e Comercio e Márketing xa titulado ou que titula neste mes, pode realizar a súa solicitude antes do 30 de xuño.
Os países de destino son: Irlanda, Italia, Hungría, Francia, Polonia e República Checa. 
Para máis información, pódese chamar aos números 881 999 567/ 981 544 645, en horario de 08:00 a 15:00 horas de luns a venres ou enviar un correo electrónico a mobilidadexuvenil@xunta.es.

Anne: su experiencia en primera persona

"Ourense was great it was lovely and quiet town, it was easy get to know the places. The working place was nice, the people in the restaurant were fun to work with. Talking to people was a difficult some times because people didn't understand english. In Ourence there was lots of places to visit, and we didn't have time that would have been boring. When I was in Baiona it was really nice to see how people react when they got to know me. I loved all the foods that were served in Miguels house, i hope i could have eaten them again. I got friends from Baiona and I would love to go back in there and in Ourence. I loved the weather because it wasn't too hot and the sun was shining almost every day". Anne Virtanen, Kauhajoki (Finland).

Anne, para las personas que te conocimos también fue un placer! Vuelve cuando quieras!